WLF draws its strength from its ‘highly motivated and committed’ team leader who has proven his mettle by successfully implementing Sustainable Ground Water Management (SuGWM) project in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh during 2011-16. The project demonstrated innovative and community-driven approaches to groundwater management in drought-struck Anantapuram and Warangal districts. Currently, following is the human resources strength of WLF: 1. R.V.Ramamohan, Executive Director M.E. (Water Resources Engineering) and PG Certificate course on ‘Technology and Sustainable Development’ from IITM – EPFL. Around 23 years of experience in rural development sector in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Odisha, West Bengal and Bihar states in India. Facilitated planning and implementation of various natural resources management (NRM) projects including water management; groundwater regulations; community forest management; sustainable agriculture and livelihoods. Piloting various innovations; action research; and policy improvement in NRM has been the core focus of work.
2. E. Mallesham, Program Staff B.Tech (Bio Technology) and Post Graduate Diploma in Development Management (PGDDM) from Tata –Dhan Academy, Madurai. Around 10 years of experience in rural development sector. Managed and coordinated the planning, implementation and monitoring of various Natural Resource Management (NRM) and livelihoods projects funded by state, central governments and CSR agencies in various districts of Telangana. Has the experience of conducting impact assessment, research studies and management of farmers’ cooperatives and their federations.
3. B. Shankaraiah, Admin & Finance Staff B.Com (Bachelor of Commerce) from Osmania University, Telangana. Around 19 years of experience in NGO accounting system related to rural development sector. Expertise in promotion and capacity building of farmers’ cooperatives & federations and women Self Help Group (SHG) federations. Has good experience of auditing and evaluation of watershed projects at district level; dealing with Farmers Producer Organizations (FPOs); Strengthening of financial systems and income generating activities for the sustainability of grass-roots community institutions.